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The webmaster of this site is Norma Burns Farmilo now at

I hope that the BURNS FAMILY DNA PROJECT will help solve some of your genealogy questions. It will definitely tell you if you're "barking up the wrong tree".

The 12 marker test is simple - just swab the inside of your cheek. The cost is $99. This test will tell you within 14 generations whether you are related to someone. There are more definitive tests but for our initial purposes the 12 marker test is all we need. If you want to upgrade later you can.

We need males with the BURNS last name for this study. Please ask your male BURNS relatives to join our study. Click on the BURNS DNA link above to join our study or write to

LAIRD (Leard) BURNS (JOHN B & ANN, JOHN) b. in 1716 Cumberland PA d. JAN 1784 Craven, Chester Co., SC bur. JAN 1784 Craven, Chester, Co., SC. m. to JENNET POCK b. 1720 Cumberland PA d. & bur. SC.

1) JOHN BURNS (Laird/Leard; John B) b. 1735/1745 PA d. 1782 m. to MARY BURNS b. 1742 Cumberland, PA.

2) JAMES BURNS (Laird/Leard; John B) b. 1746 Cumberland PA d. 1810/1820.

3) JANET (JENNETT?) BURNS (Laird/Leard; John B)b. 1747/1749 Cumberland PA.

4) ANN BURNS (Laird/Leard; John B) b. 1749 Cumberland PA.

5) MARTHA BURNS (Laird/Leard; John B) b. 1750 Cumberland PA.

6) LEARD (LAIRD) BURNS (Laird/Leard; John B) b. 1755 Cumberland PA d. September 1840 Roane TN (South of Stage Rd m. 1st to JANE- Sons: JOHN W BURNS b. 1775 Chester SC & WILLIAM BURNS b. 1779 Chester Co SC m. 2ndly to JEAN WILLIAMS (1752 - 1772)Mecklenburg Co NC - Children: LAIRD BURNS; WILLIAM BURNS; JOHN BURNS; JAMES BURNS; WALKER BURNS & 5 more children (10 in all) JOHN & WILLIAM are probably repeated here.

7) SARAH (SEARAH) BURNS b. 1757 Cumberland PA.


From Ancestral File

From: Jeff Ehlers Subject: Re: [MOCOOPER] John & Laird Burns Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 22:50:11 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: <>


"History of Cooper County Missouri" page 237 lists John as Laird BURNS father. Laird Burns (John) was a Cumberland Presbyterian minister in Cooper Co. He married my relative, Mary WEAR, dau. of Hugh and Margaret WEAR. Laird and many WEARs were ministers in Cooper Co.

I have not done research into Laird's family but there quite possibly could have been a brother named after his father.
Jeff Ehlers

--- boice burns wrote: In more than one book I have seen on the history of Cooper County, mention is made of Laird Burns, who became a preacher in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church ca 1820, and also John Burns. In one place it will say that John is the FATHER of Laird (John) and in another place it will say that John Burns (John) was the BROTHER of Laird and then go into a good bit of detail about how John Burns was a veteran of the War of 1812 and fought at The Battle of New Orleans. This story of Laird and John Burns being BROTHERS sounds more plausible to me as it matches some of my family geneaology information. However, I am having trouble placing John Burns in Cooper County, MO and at that time period. Is there any list member

who might be researching these people in this place? They were in the New Lebanon community. Please contact me as I could really use some assistance here. Boice Burns Houston, TX

From: "Edward May" Subject: [BURNS] John Perry Burns-Laird Burns Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 21:54:11 -0600 References: <001c01c14703$46c871e0$ac5601d0@hppav>
To whoever is interested, this is the information I have on my Burns ancestors: John Perry Burns (1819-1879) (Rev Laird Jr; Laird Sr; John) born in AL m Lucenda Jane Burke 7 Nov 1839 in MO.
His father was Rev. Laird Burns, Jr. (1784-28 Jan 1858), born in Chester Co., Camden District, SC, m Mary Polly Weir (1792-1861) on 2 Jan 1812 in Russellville, Logan Co., KY; both died in Hopkins Co., TX. Laird's father was Laird Burns (27 Oct 1754-6 Jun 1844) born in Waxhaw Settlement, Lancaster Co., SC and died in Henderson Co., TN His wife was Jennett (do not know her maiden name) (Walker??). He was a Revolutionary War soldier. Laird's father was John Burns who died in 1761 in Cumberland Co., PA. Family tradition said that he was Scotch Irish.

If you'd like more information (and I have quite a bit), e-mail me your address and I'll mail it to you. I'm a descendant of John Perry Burns my through William Lindsey Burns, then Louis William Burns (grandfather) and my father E.X. Burns (Louis William; William Lindsey; John Perry). My Burns ancestors ended up in Oklahoma. I'm always anxious to learn what others know about this family.
Cynthia May Albuquerque NM

1819-1820 Clear Creek Twp, Lebanon, Cooper Co, MO Pg. 236-237 Lebanon Township........ "About the fall of 1819 and the spring of 1820, the following named persons moved to New Lebanon, and into that neighborhood embracing a portion fo the territory now known as Lebanon township, in Cooper County. Rev. Finis Ewing, Rev. James L. Wear, John, James H. Wear, who was the father of William G. Wear, of Warsaw, and Samuel Wear, now of Otterville; Alexander Sloan, ROBERT KIRKPATRICK, Colin C. Stoneman, William Stone, Frederick Casteel, Reuben A. Ewing, Jas. Berry, Thomas Rubey, Elizabeth Steele, sister of Alexander Sloan's wife, a man named Smiley, Rev. Laird Burns (John) and his father, John Burns, John Reed, Silas Thomas, James Taylor, Hugh Wear, who was a brother to James L. and John Wear, James McFarland and Rev. William Kavanaugh. This country then extended south to the Osage River. The Rev. Finis Ewing was a distinguished minister of the gospel, and one of the orginial founders of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He was from Kentucky; was ordained a minister in the year 1803, and in conjunction with Samuel McAdam and Samuel King, founded that church in 1810."

BURNS: Anderson b. ca. 1795 PA, SC*. mar. Leah DOYLE. **LOD John BURNS, Sarah Ann BURNS

From: "george kitzmiller"
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 1:31 PM
I am a descendent of FRANCIS MARION BURNS who was born in Laurens County, SC about 1814 and married in Abbeville County SC. Later the family moved to Etowah County, Alabama, where he died. One of his sons PETER S BURNS (Francis Marion) moved to Cooke County, Texas. PETER S BURNS' son JOHN PETER BURNS (Peter S; Francis Marion) was my grandfather.

I, and several of us who share this line, have never been able to find the parents and siblings of FRANCIS MARION BURNS. I wonder if the DNA project might help us. (Check my Indiana site or google Liberty)

Kay Kitzmiller

From: "Charlotte Coats"
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 11:41 AM
Oh, boy, that Charley was something else...watched it on cable.....we have earth quakes out here in California, but Orange County seems to miss the major ones...we have a few small shakers now and then but nothing big....use to live in OK, they have tornados down there and boy, they can do the damage as well...Nature can sure throw some curves now and then....

Burns...well, I have a Burns family out of PA and SC...John Burns m Mary McCoy....he's a Revolutionary Soldier....I don't know how he connects in PA .... his daughter Jane Innes Burns (John) married Samuel Craig in SC and from there they went to Green County TN, lived there all their lives...not sure how they connect to the Innes family either...boy, sure wish I knew a male Burns to join your DNA project...I'll check around and see .... when you come from a daughter line, usually you lose touch with the male lines...sometimes, not always true...but I'll see what I can find...

Here's some info on them:
You might have to register to get into these albums but it takes just a minute...

My John Burns line was really easy to connect to so I didn't have to do much research on them...but past John I have no idea how they connect....:) I like you was hoping there was a John Burns the poet connection...:) My Craigs and Burns I think though were out of York County PA...and after the Revolution they went to SC...

I'm going to my son's this morning for awhile but will take a closer look at your Burns when I get back this afternoon...


From: "Charlotte Coats"
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 8:37 PM
Oh, looks ok, Norma...I emailed Bob Lynch, he's in MO and has most of the Craig/Burns lines...but he doesn't know of any Burns' at present, but assured me that if he finds anyone from our Burns line he will point them in your direction...:)

You've done quite a bit of work...but I think the DNA projects are going to give folks more light on their lines than years of paperwork....:)

I'm a little biased because I feel it helped me on my Coats lines so well...we had at least two lines that had been rejected as connected to my line and after the DNA project, those two or three lines were the only ones that connected to my line...sooooo, so much for old paper trails and past research....:) although important, if the connections are mere guesses, the DNA will straighten them out real quickly...

Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 8:05 PM
Subject: Laird Burns

Norma, my name is Gerald Burns. I am a direct decendent of Laird Burns. The first one was born 1680/81 and died 1760 in Cumberland Co. MD. I have been to his grave site and his tombstone is still readable. Leard/Laird moved to SC, got several land grants from the King and his son, Leard Burns(Laird; John), fought under Sumter as a volunteer. I have his military file from Washington. Leard II or III moved the Mecklenburg Co., NC and later to east Tennessee. I have attempted to locate his gravesite to no avail. Will be glad to share with you what I have. Thanks for your information

Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 8:19 PM
Subject: Laird Burns

Norma, I stand corrected. It was John "B" Burns, born 1680/81 in Scotland, perhaps Perthshire, died 1760 in Cumberland PA. Had son Laird and he had a son Laird Laird; John "B"). Sorry about that. Gerald Burns

Marilyn J Seeking any information on Henry & Agness HOUSTON. They are listed on the will of Leard or Laird BURNS probated 1784, Kershaw Co,SC. May have resided in the Camden Dist or Chester County. Who were they and why are they listed in Burns's will?

Daniel Burns (Thomas) is Thomas’ son who lived next door to him in 1810.
1 Daniel Burns (Thomas)
.. +Catherine
.. +Frances
.. 2 Marion T Burns (Daniel; Thomas) - 1870
..... +1st Catherine Ringer 1808 - 1845 b: June 1808
..... +2nd Sarah
..... 3 Thomas D Burns (Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1836 - b: 1836
..... 3 John Caldwell Calhoun Burns (Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1838 - 1913 b: August 03, 1838 in Fairfield County, South Carolina
........ +Martha Amanda Brown 1845 - 1919 b: February 05, 1845 in Fairfield County, South Carolina
........ 4 Anna M Burns (John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1869 - b: 1869
........ 4 William J R Burns (John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1871 - 1888 b: August 01, 1871
........ 4 Cora Katherine Burns (John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1874 - b: 1874
........... +Kit Danials
........ 4 Thomas W Burns (John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1876 - b: 1876
........ 4 Clara Eugenia Burns (John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1879 - b: 1879
........... +Ben Browder
........ 4 Harry Owens Burns (John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1883 - 1957 b: October 20, 1883 in Fairfield County, South Carolina
........... +Carrie Estel Guinn 1890 - 1959 b: October 13, 1890 in Unicoi County, Tennessee
........... 5 John Franklin Burns (Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1910 - 1988 b: December 17, 1910 in Fulton County, Georgia
.............. +Estelle Cora Catoe 1911 - b: August 23, 1911 in Pageland, South Carolina m: October 25, 1933 in Lancaster, South Carolina
.............. 6 Patricia Earle Burns (John Franklin; Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1934 - b: August 06, 1934 in Camden, South Carolina
................. +Harold Edward Watts m: June 04, 1952
................. 7 Harold Edward Watts Jr. (Harold Edward Sr) 1954 - b: October 10, 1954 in Kershaw County, Camden South Carolina .................... +Sharron Walling m: June 06, 1981
.................... 8 John Nicholaus Watts (Harold Edward Jr; Harold Edward Sr) 1988 - b: May 24, 1988 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Harriet Suzanne Watts (Harold Edward Sr) 1957 - b: November 18, 1957 in Camden, South Carolina
.................... +Richard Brent McLeod m: January 20, 1977
.................... 8 Shannon Leigh McLeod 1978 - b: February 26, 1978 in Camden, South Carolina
................. *2nd Husband of Harriet Suzanne Watts:
.................... +Ted Lewis Price Jr. m: October 26, 1980
.................... 8 Jennifer Renee Price 1981 - b: May 26, 1981 in Richland County, South Carolina
.................... 8 Teddi Lynne Price 1982 - b: May 25, 1982 in Columbia, South Carolina
........... 5 Ruby Louetta Burns (Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1913 - b: May 07, 1913 in Muscogee County, Columbus Georgia
.............. +Alvin Vance Riley m: January 09, 1938 in Camden, South Carolina
.............. 6 Beverly Burns Riley 1942 - b: March 22, 1942 in Kershaw County, Camden South Carolina
................. +Neil Link Marlow 1939 - b: March 24, 1939 in Catawaba Hickory, North Carolina m: April 07, 1962
................. 7 Neil Link Marlow Jr. 1963 - b: November 08, 1963 in Fort Polk, Louisiana
................. 7 Kathern Amanda Marlow 1970 - b: December 17, 1970 in Catawaba Hickory, North Carolina
.............. 6 Alvin Vance Riley Jr. 1945 - b: December 16, 1945 in Gastonia, North Carolina
................. +Sandra Webb m: 1966
................. 7 Carrie Lee Riley 1966 - b: December 16, 1966 in Gastonia, North Carolina
................. 7 Alvin Vance Riley III 1969 - b: July 08, 1969 in Gastonia, North Carolina
.............. *2nd Wife of Alvin Vance Riley Jr.: ................. +Rosanna Higgins 1950 - b: August 15, 1950 in Medina County, Lodi Ohio m: August 12, 1978
................. 7 Rory Andrew Riley 1982 - b: August 03, 1982 in Summit County, Memphis Tennessee
........... 5 Harry Edgar Burns (Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1915 - b: January 10, 1915 in Muscogee County, Columbus Georgia
.............. +Elizabeth Iva Mae Broom 1919 - b: December 21, 1919 in Buffalo Township, Kershaw County, S.C. m: August 24, 1941 in Winnsboro, South Carolina
.............. 6 Robert Edgar Burns 1943 - b: July 18, 1943 in Camden, South Carolina
................. +Virginia Smith
.............. *2nd Wife of Robert Edgar Burns: ................. +Gail Mosier
................. 7 Katie Guinn Burns 1984 - b: March 19, 1984
.............. 6 James Harold Burns 1947 - b: September 07, 1947 in Lee County, Sumter, Sumpter S.C.
................. +Anne Minoter Cutts
................. 7 Harold James Burns Jr. 1972 - b: September 05, 1972 in Charleston, South Carolina
................. 7 Jennifer Sherrold Burns 1978 - b: December 15, 1978 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Jacqueline Anne Burns 1981 - b: November 03, 1981 in Columbia, South Carolina
.............. 6 Harry Edgar Burns Jr. 1948 - b: August 15, 1948 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. +Ninnette Watson
................. 7 Catherine Elizebeth Burns 1976 - b: December 08, 1976 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Erica Lauren Burns 1980 - b: May 04, 1980 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Harrison Edgar Burns III 1987 - b: January 29, 1987 in Columbia, South Carolina
.............. 6 Dannie Arlin Burns 1950 - b: August 15, 1950 in Camden, South Carolina
................. +Susan Larang
................. 7 Danial Arlin Burns Jr. 1980 - b: June 25, 1980 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Christopher Marshel Burns 1982 - b: November 02, 1982 in Columbia, South Carolina
.............. *2nd Wife of Dannie Arlin Burns: ................. +Karen Eaddy
................. 7 Brock Edward Burns 1989 - b: June 04, 1989
................. 7 Kara Alyssa Burns 1991 - b: July 28, 1991 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Robert Black Burns 1995 - b: November 03, 1995 in Columbia, South Carolina
.............. 6 Cynthia Elaine Burns 1952 - b: August 24, 1952 in Camden, South Carolina
................. +Nicholas Francois DuPont m: July 12, 1985 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Elaine Lamont DuPont 1982 - b: January 31, 1982 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Claire Nicole DuPont 1985 - b: May 03, 1985 in Columbia, South Carolina
........... 5 Francis Lafayette Burns (Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1920 - b: January 05, 1920 in Barber County, Eufala Alabama
.............. +Wilbert Roy Williams 1918 - 1987 b: October 31, 1918 in Greenwood, South Carolina m: April 11, 1940 in Bishopville, South Carolina
.............. 6 Wilbert Ronald Williams 1941 - b: October 28, 1941 in Camden, South Carolina
................. +Nancy Jeanealle Shiver m: August 27, 1961
................. 7 Wilbert Ronald Williams Jr. 1962 - b: March 12, 1962 in Columbia, South Carolina
.................... +Angela Griswold m: July 20, 1985
.................... 8 Wilbert Ronald Williams III 1989 - b: May 27, 1989 in Columbia, South Carolina
.................... 8 Ryan Alexander Williams
1991 - b: April 11, 1991 in Columbia, South Carolina
.................... 8 Reyna Angelica Williams 1991 - b: April 11, 1991 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Franklin Roman Williams 1963 - b: September 03, 1963 in Columbia, South Carolina
.................... +Molly Sandra Cobb m: June 25, 1988
.................... 8 Lauren Elizabeth Williams 1992 - b: December 29, 1992 in Orange County, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
.................... 8 Catherine Hope Williams 1996 - b: November 22, 1996 in Columbia, South Carolina
................. 7 Robin Jeanealle Williams 1968 - b: October 03, 1968 in Columbia, South Carolina
.................... +Christian Matthew Bright m: March 29, 1997
................. 7 Meredith Hope Williams 1971 - b: November 05, 1971 in Columbia, South Carolina
.............. 6 Delores Johnny Lafaye Williams 1944 - b: July 07, 1944 in Camden, South Carolina
................. +William Howard Rayner Jr. m: June 22, 1968 in Camden, South Carolina
................. 7 Teresa Lafaye Rayner 1969 - b: April 22, 1969 in Camden, South Carolina
................. 7 Renee Jacqueline Rayner 1970 - b: November 10, 1970 in Laurenberg, North Carolina
................. 7 Melissa Fran Rayner 1972 - b: March 13, 1972 in Laurenberg, North Carolina
........... 5 Sallie Mae Burns (Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1922 - b: August 25, 1922 in Kershaw County, Camden South Carolina
.............. +Edgar Harold Deese 1921 - 1971 b: August 31, 1921 in Summerfield, Louisanna
.............. 6 Edgar Harold Deese Jr. 1949 - b: March 26, 1949 in Camden, South Carolina
................. +Sandra McMahan Williams m: 1969
................. 7 Edgar Harold Deese III 1970 - b: January 07, 1970 in Camden, South Carolina
.................... +Lori Davis m: August 05, 1995
................ 7 Andrew Dendy Deese 1972 - b: October 15, 1972 in Camden, South Carolina
................... +Mary Catherine Johnson m: April 19, 1986 in Florida
............. *2nd Wife of Edgar Harold Deese Jr.: ................ +Gail Tipton Epps m: October 08, 1994
............. 6 Jon Douglas Deese 1951 - 1986 b: March 06, 1951 in Camden, South Carolina
............. 6 Sallie Amanda Deese 1958 - b: January 20, 1958 in Camden, South Carolina
................ +Joseph Randolph Haverty m: August 06, 1988 in Camden, South Carolina
................ 7 Joseph Danial Haverty 1994 - b: October 24, 1994 in Charlotte, North Carolina
................ 7 Carrie Elizabeth Haverty 1996 - b: April 09, 1996 in Charlotte, North Carolina
.......... *2nd Husband of Sallie Mae Burns:
............. +Patrick Catrill
.......... 5 Norman Jeter Burns (Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1924 - 1978 b: December 03, 1924 in Kershaw County, Camden South Carolina
.......... 5 Robert Michael Burns (Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1928 - 1983 b: August 14, 1928 in Kershaw County, Camden South Carolina
............. +Ella Franklin Lane 1931 - b: September 28, 1931 in Lancaster, South Carolina m: June 05, 1955 in Camden, South Carolina
............. 6 Bridget Michelle Burns 1956 - b: June 18, 1956 in Camden, South Carolina
................ +Gist Finley Combs m: May 03, 1985 in Camden, South Carolina
................ 7 Gist Finley Combs Jr. 1990 - 1990 b: January 27, 1990 in Columbia, South Carolina
................ 7 Elizabeth Lane Combs 1993 - b: April 20, 1993 in Columbia, South Carolina
............. 6 Robert Michael Burns Jr. 1957 - b: November 13, 1957 in Camden, South Carolina
................ +Johanna Womack McCall m: September 01, 1990 in Camden, South Carolina
............. 6 John Mitchell Burns 1958 - b: December 19, 1958 in Camden, South Carolina
................ +Patricia Renee Goins m: November 20, 1987 in Camden, South Carolina
................ 7 Samantha Rene Burns 1988 - b: December 21, 1988 in Columbia, South Carolina
............. 6 Matthew Lane Burns 1966 - b: June 10, 1966 in Camden, South Carolina
.......... 5 Patrick Guinn Burns (Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1932 - b: July 13, 1932 in Kershaw County, Camden South Carolina
............. +Betty Jean Bradley 1933 - b: April 27, 1933 in Kershaw County, Camden South Carolina m: December 28, 1957 in Camden, South Carolina
............. 6 Patrick Guinn Burns Jr. 1958 - b: November 04, 1958 in Montgomery County, Clarksville, Tennesee
................ +Gail Morre Voravadhi 1952 - b: February 17, 1952 m: April 12, 1991 in Camden, South Carolina
............. 6 John Franklin Burns II 1960 - b: January 06, 1960 in Montgomery County, Clarksville, Tennesee
................ +Debra Kay Boatwright 1963 - b: June 20, 1963 in Columbia, South Carolina m: November 07, 1981
................ 7 Rachel Elizabeth Burns 1985 - b: December 23, 1985 in Columbia, South Carolina
............. *2nd Wife of John Franklin Burns II: ................ +Claudia Sharpe m: July 05, 1991
............. 6 Jeanie Patrice Burns 1962 - b: August 30, 1962 in Camden, South Carolina
................ +Gerald A Reeves Jr.
............. *2nd Husband of Jeanie Patrice Burns: ................ +Steven Hilton m: October 17, 1996 in Camden, South Carolina
.......... 5 Henry Owens Burns Jr. (Harry Owens; John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1937 - b: May 18, 1937 in Camden, South Carolina
............. +Brenda Jewel Estes 1940 - 2001 b: June 02, 1940 in Newnan, Georgia m: December 12, 1957 in Bishopville, South Carolina
............. 6 Kimberly Gayle Burns 1958 - b: July 19, 1958 in Camden, South Carolina
................ +Daniel Arnold Mills 1959 - b: February 08, 1959 in Norfolk, Virginia m: October 02, 1999 in Charlotte, North Carolina
................ 7 Mary Jane Mills 2001 - b: August 13, 2001 in Pineville, North Carolina
............. 6 Carrie Melissa Burns 1960 - b: August 16, 1960 in Charlotte, North Carolina
................ +Kevin James Courtney 1970 - b: June 28, 1970 in Monroe, North Carolina m: December 18, 1993 in Charlotte, North Carolina
................ 7 Luther James Courtney 1997 - b: June 13, 1997 in Charlotte, North Carolina
................ 7 Savannah Lee Courtney 1994 - b: May 15, 1994 in Charlotte, North Carolina
............. 6 Henry Owens Burns III 1965 - b: October 02, 1965 in Charlotte, North Carolina
................ +Neha Thakor Topiwala 1966 - b: March 12, 1966 in Billimora, India m: August 16, 1986 in Charlotte, North Carolina
................ 7 Henry Matthew Burns 2000 - b: July 07, 2000 in Greensboro, North Carolina
....... 4 John C Burns Jr. (John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas)
....... 4 Marian Emmaline Burns (John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas)
.......... +John Knox
....... 4 Grover Cleveland Burns (John Caldwell Calhoun; Marion T; Daniel; Thomas)
.... 3 Robert Burns (Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1840 - b: 1840
.... 3 William Burns (Marion T; Daniel; Thomas) 1843 - b: 1843

Date: Sunday, 21 November 2010 23:36:29 -0500 From: deb-e kyle
Thank you for your pages. I am only a fraction of my way through and am finding it wonderfully informative for my own research. I am able to keep open possibilities on my own line, and rule out others.
I wondered if this would help you in any way. My GGGGgrandfather was Cornelius Burns b. 5 Dec 1811 York, SC. He migrated in the early 1830's to Cass County (now Bartow County) Georgia and married Minerva Nevill in October 1839. They built a farm (cotton plantation) of 480 acres in Gordon Co., GA and had the following children:

Leonard (possibly Charles Leonard) b. 1840 Cass Co., GA
James W. H. b. 13 Oct 1842 Cass Co., GA
Sarah Frances b. 20 Apr 1844 Cass Co., GA
John Wesley b 1847 Cass Co., GA
Matilda Adeline b. Dec 1849 Cass Co., GA
Malachi (Mack) A b. 6 May 1852 Sugar Valley, Gordon Co., GA
Eliza b. 27 Apr 1854 Sugar Valley, Gordon Co., GA
Emily Ester b. 1856 Sugar Valley, Gordon Co., GA
Margarett Isabella b. 1864 Sugar Valley, Gordon Co., GA
Robert Lorenza b. 1866 Sugar Calley, Gordon Co., GA
Baby name, gender unknown, dates or birth / death unknown, buried West Union Baptist Cemetery, Gordon Co., GA

Of note, Cornelius traveled with Countryman to Cass County GA. The Burns property in York, SC was near or next to that of the Countryman property..
I am seeking information as to the parents as well as any siblings of Cornelius.
History notes that York SC was settled by people from York, PA. Perhaps this is helpful. Hopefully this helps in your search. Again, I thank you for your site.
D Burns Kyle

The webmaster of this site is Norma Burns Farmilo now at